Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekly Recap
Total Mileage : 50 miles
2/19/12 -2/25/12

Sun: 8 miles
- This was race day. 6K of it was during the race and I got the rest with a combination of warm up and cool. More detail about my race is posted below.

Mon: 10 miles (Raisin Woods)
- I felt awesome considering that I ran a race yesterday. I had no problems at all, I just pretty much cruised out in the woods. I believe I'm still on my running high due to how great I am feeling. The race really recharged my batteries and got me out of a rut. The weather was beautiful with it being sunny and in the high 50s.

Tues: Off
- Mainly took the day off because of my schedule. I did not was up early and run like I should have done. I believe it was good for me to probably get some rest. However, I did start a core workout and in doing so I found out how weak my core is.
Workout Routine:
- push ups 3*10
- claims 2*12
- planks 2*1 min
- fire hydrant 2*15
- ab routine various crunches (takes about 10 mins total)
- lateral leg raise 2*5 each (15), neutral, pointing out, pointing in
- wall sit 3*45s
- slide planks 2*45s
- glute kickback 2*20
- oblique crunch 2*20
This took about 35 minutes or so to do. Doesn't look like much but if you don't lift often you can definitely feel it.

Wed: 15 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Decided to get some distance in today and felt awesome running it! Great weather, partly cloudy and in the mid 60s, great running weather. Finally felt comfortable enough to take the ole t-shirt off to run. Only complaint is that I'm sore from yesterdays workout, very weak! I have a long was to go in that department. Pumped about the run today and hoping to keep the momentum going!

Thur: 6 miles (Raisin Woods)
- All I have to say is what up warm weather, in the upper 70s in February, what the heck is going on. I just hope this isn't an omen of how hot the summer is going to be. decided to take a nice and easy run today. Also did my core workout before hand
Workout Routine:
- push ups 3*10
- claims 2*12
- planks 2*1 min
- fire hydrant 2*15
- ab routine various crunches (takes about 10 mins total)
- lateral leg raise 2*5 each (15), neutral, pointing out, pointing in
- wall sit 3*45s
- side planks 2*45s
- glute kickback 2*20
- oblique crunch 2*20
Just sore from the mileage of yesterday and the workout but that's expected.

Fri: 11 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Was not feeling the running love starting off, but I started to warm up to it getting a couple miles in. It was ugly looking outside, cloudy and very windy. Other than that it was a good run to get in.

Sat: off
-Got my mileage in so no need to run

I cannot say enough about this week. This has probably been the best week I have had so far. Everything seems to be working right. I know a big difference is that I am eating more and drinking more water, now if I can just get bed at a decent time I will be good. I am pumped and ready to see what next week has in store!

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