Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekly Recap
Total Mileage : 55 miles
2/26/12 -3/03/12

Sun: 8 miles
- Felt great! I was not really wanting to run earlier in the day because I drove back home from Dahlonega, Georgia from visiting friends, but the great weather made me change my mind. Sunny and in the upper 60s. I ran in my NB Minimus shoes. Ran pretty effortlessly, it's a good feeling to feel like I was floating on my feet. No soreness or any complaints.

Mon: 10 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Great run. Felt good considering I didn't take a gel (forgot to grab one) ran even two 4.9 mile laps. Awesome weather, no T-shirt running weather. 60s and Sunny!

Tues: 6 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Did a core workout before my run. Good run, pushed it a little harder than usual. Ran in my NB Minimus shoes. The bottom of my foot was hurting, like there is a knot on the bottom of my foot and when it stretches it stings. This happens from time to time when I run in my minimus shoes. I think it's due to overuse, but I don't plan on stopping. It does not hurt when wearing my regular running shoes.
Workout Routine:
- push ups 3*10
- claims 2*15
- planks 2*1 min
- fire hydrant 2*15
- ab routine various crunches (takes about 10 mins total)
- lateral leg raise 2*5 each (15), neutral, pointing out, pointing in
- wall sit 3*1 min
- slide planks 2*45s
- glute kickback 2*20
- oblique crunch 2*20

Wed: 12 miles (Raisin Woods)
- I had plans to run 15, but I ended up cutting it short due to the fact I was fatiguing quickly. I was just running out of gas. I decided to run earlier because storms were suppose to come through. So I was running off just breakfast and no lunch. So lesson learned, need to eat lunch or bigger breakfast when planning on doing 15. Weather wise it was ugly outside, but hot in the 70s. No a good combo.

Thur: 8 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Beautiful day outside. I ran slow, still feel a bit fatigued! Hoping tomorrow I will feel the love. Also did a core workout before hand. I feel like it's working even though it seems very little.
Workout Routine:
- push ups 3*10
- claims 2*15
- planks 2*1 min
- fire hydrant 2*15
- ab routine various crunches (takes about 10 mins total)
- lateral leg raise 2*5 each (15), neutral, pointing out, pointing in
- wall sit 3*1 min
- side planks 2*45s
- glute kickback 2*20
- oblique crunch 2*20

Fri: 11 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Honestly wasn't really wanting to run today because my legs felt dead and I was sore from the week. Once I got out there I loosened up, but for how I felt I probably should have ran slower. I was very surprised at how I did considering how my body was feeling. Also, I ended up running negative splits for the the 4.9 mile laps, only like 10 seconds, but like I said very surprised. The weather was humid in the 70s, not ideal running weather, dreading the summer!!! Tomorrow is my off day, much needed rest. Just 3 more weeks till my next race.

Sat: off
-Got my mileage in so no need to run. However, I did do the my core workout I put together. Went really well, I can tell the neural adaptations are kicking in!!! I'm not sure when I plan on making it more tough, definitely not ready to do it yet. I'm thinking after my next race. I am wanting to add some kettle belle workouts in.
Workout Routine:
- push ups 3*10
- claims 2*15
- planks 2*1 min
- fire hydrant 2*15
- ab routine various crunches (takes about 10 mins total)
- lateral leg raise 2*5 each (15), neutral, pointing out, pointing in
- wall sit 3*1 min
- side planks 2*45s
- glute kickback 2*20
- oblique crunch 2*20

Compared to last week this week was a bit off but not by much. Still feeling good about everything, nothing really to complain about. Slow, consistent, and determined progression is always a success!!

Forgot to put my January monthly mileage
Total Mileage: 177 miles

Total Mileage: 193 miles

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