Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weekly Recap
Total Mileage : 48 miles
1/29/12 -2/04/12

Sun: 8 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Felt awesome today. Sundays always seem to be my day. Ran smooth and fast in my minimus running shoes. Perfect running weather, shorts and t-shirt, and about got run over a few times by the mountain bikers that were out.

Mon: 7 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Started off slow and stiff, but warmed up into it. Awesome day, first day in awhile that I didn't have mud all over my legs. Nice not coming out of the wood with mud on me.

Tues: 8 miles (Raisin Woods)
- Sore, legs just tired and achy. Could not get moving. Ran in minimus shoes.

Wed: Off
- Rained all day long and did not let up.

Thur: 10 miles (Chickamauga Battlefield)
- Beautiful day to get outside and run. Air was clear and crisp. Warm also. Probably 1st legit time getting in miles on the road in a long time. Could tell it has been awhile.

Fri: 6 miles (Raisin Woods)
- A tad sore, lucky my brother was there to finish the 2nd half with me. Ran in minimus shoes.

Sat: 9 miles (Pinhoti Trail)
- Me and my brother swept different sections of the Pinhoti Trail for the Snake Creek Time Trials (mountain bike race). I was able to run a section that I havn't ran before and plan on running it again in the future. Lost of mud thanks to the rain the early morning before and the mountain bikers. Also on a side not ended up having to cross a creek in the beginning, was not expecting to do so. It was an ok run. Would have like to not have a pack because I was having to pick up trail on the trail. Not that much trash, did find a rain jacket though.

Good week. Starting to get 3 days in a week in my minimus shoes. Everything seems to be falling into place running wise and everything is holding up body wise. Next week going over the 50 mile mark for the week before a down week. I'm feeling great about it, starting to feel like my old self again except on trails!!

Photo's From the Pinhoti

Saw lots and lots of this (only the start)

Was not informed of this!

There was only one way across

Thought this was cool

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