Saturday, March 24, 2012

Race Report/Weekly Recap
Total Mileage: 15 miles
3/18/12 - 3/24/12

Sun: off
- Sick Stomach Virus

Mon: off
- Stomach Virus

Tues: off
- Feeling much better, just trying to let my body recover

Wed: off
-Eating. drinking, and resting as much as I can

Thur: 5 miles (Raisin Woods)
-Decided to test my body today to see how Saturday may go. It actually went well. I wanted to push it more than usual to see how my body would react. I ended up running 36 minutes for 5 miles. This made me a little more pumped about the race this weekend. I seemed to have gotten most of my strength back.

Fri: off
- Still in recovery mode for the weekend.

Sat: 10 miles (Mullen's Cove)
-Race Day
Race Report:
Rock/Creek River Gorge Trail Race
Time: 1:26.47
Avg. Pace: 8:30
Place: 14th Overall

The weather was absolutely amazing for the race. Somehow there happened to be a window of sunshine the whole time the event was going on in between thunderstorms. From having a stomach virus and losing 9lbs the week before I wasn't expecting too much out of myself this race, but I was still wanting to compete and that I did.

Woke up at 4:50 am this morning to make some scrambled eggs and toast with peanut butter to eat early so that it would be digested by the time the race started. I felt good about the race but wasn't overly pumped like I was prior to the stomach virus. However, the race went well and I am pleased. The person I was wanting to stay with ended up taking off and I didn't see him till the end of the race, but that's how it goes sometimes.

I started off strong flying down the downhills and pumping up the uphills, passing several people. Within the first 2 miles I ended up fall, not a hard fall but enough to take the wind out of me. Once I got to the first aid station I was ahead of my practice time and I knew that I would be destroying that, and that my body was up to par. Probably around mile 6 I ended up falling again!! A little harder this time, but nothing to injure me, just scraps. I like to add when you fall it just takes your rhythm, and for me my confidence in my footing. From mile 4 I could see the first female behind me and I just knew that she would somehow pass me and I was right, she did not even a mile left. At the finished we congratulated each other and she said, " Thanks for pacing me most of the way" and I replied, " Thanks for passing me at the end". We got a good laugh out of it. I blame it all on the rock garden is to why she passes me. I just took it too cautious, but there can be a risk/reward with that didn't really feel like breaking my leg when I'm not competing for the top 3 spots.

Overall I'm pleased with a bit of disappoint, but I had a very good excuse. I feel like I could have cut 3 or 4 more minutes off with being a 100% but I'll never know. Nevertheless, I had an AWESOME time, there is nothing better than Tail Running!!! It's time to get into Marathon running shape!!

Here are a few pictures from the race. Enjoy!

Representing The Carpet Capital Running Club

Leading the pack!

Flying Downhill, that guy was definitely getting passed

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