Sunday, January 6, 2013

First blog of the year!!

First off I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. I've basically took the whole month of December off due to just being plain burnt out on running and blogging. All I really did was work and look at other people's blogs of their running experiences and be jealous. However, I just couldn't put my running shoes on and take a run on the trails (turning winter also does not help). I had also been having some foot issues, but nothing serious just more of a nuisance. It has since subsided and this past week I actually got out and ran and somehow enjoyed it. I had a lot of ups and downs this past year in running. The first half of 2012 was great for me running wise and then once I started apply to physical therapy school and stressing on that it just took a toll on me. Now it's a new year and it's time to start fresh.

I'm not sure if I will be writing a weekly mileage this year because it is almost a nuisance to me because I feel it gets very repetitive. Plus, I will be a whole lot more busy starting this summer due to Physical Therapy School and I honestly don't know how my training will go and be balanced with school. So I really don't have any races planned because I'm not sure what my schedule will look like. However, I will still keep up with my mileage and write a monthly overview and race reports. I feel like that will be a whole lot better for me. Also I know not many people look at this blog so I'm sure no one will care lol. So new year new me right? Let's see how this year goes!! Happy Trails!

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